
Parti Nadolig/Xmas Party

Pryd? When? 8fed Rhagfyr am 7.30pm / 8th of December at 7.30pm
Ble? Where? Ty Gareth,Gareth's house, Ixelles - Elsene, B-1050.

Fel rydyn ni wedi gwneud yn y gorffenol cynhelir y parti Nadolig yn nhy un o'n aelodau, Gareth eleni. Fel wnaethon ni llynedd rydyn ni'n gofyn i bawb sy'n dod i'r parti i ddod â rhywbeth gyda nhw, bwyd neu diod. Os ydych chi'n bwriadu dod rhowch wybod i mi a dwedwch beth rydych chi'n meddwl cyfrannu. Gobeithio gwelwn ni chi yno.

As we have done in the past we will hold the Christmas party in the home of one of our members, Gareth Lawrence this year. As we did last year we are asking everybody who comes to the party to bring something with them, food or drink. If you intend to come please let me know and say what you are thinking of bringing. We hope to see you there.



Pantomime at the New Theatre in Cardiff

I wonder of you can help me, I have 4 tickets to the pantomime at the New Theatre in Cardiff for the evening performance on January 2nd. Unfortunately we are not able to go to Wales as my husband has to work. Would you please send an email to your contact list to see whether anyone would be interested in buying them? They cost me 80 pounds for the 4. Thanks, we are really disappointed not to be able to go but perhaps someone else would like them. Lisa de Haan <familydehaan@hotmail.com>


Sgwrs Gymraeg Tachwedd

Dyma rai luniau o'r Sgwrs Gymraeg ym mis Tachwedd yn y dafarn/ty bwyta WEINSTUBE MAXBURG. Fe fydd y Sgwrs Gymraeg nesaf yn cymeryd lle ar nos Fercher 20eg Rhagfyr 2007.


Rename the Prince William cup the Ray Gravell cup

Further to the previous post about this subject there is another petition running at
there is also a group on Facebook called Rename the Prince William Cup the Ray Gravell Cup which you can join.


Welsh recipe of the week: Anglesey Eggs

4 large yukon gold potatoes, peeled, halved 3 large leeks, rinsed well, trimmed, thinly sliced 1/4 cup butter 6 large eggs, hard-boiled, quartered 2 1/2 teaspoons dry mustard 1/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour 2 1/2 cups whole milk 4 ounces grated caerphilly cheese or sharp cheddar cheese sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

Place the potatoes in a medium sized saucepan, cover with cold water, add a good bit of salt, loosely cover and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 15-20 minutes. About 7 minutes before the potatoes are cooked, put the leeks in a steamer and steam over the potatoes, uncovered, for about 6-7 minutes until tender. Transfer the leeks to a clean tea towel and pat dry. Drain potatoes, return saucepan to a very low heat to thoroughly dry them out. Remove from the heat and mash with a potato masher. Add 1/4 cup of butter, the mustard and the steamed leeks and beat all the ingredients together until you have created a light, fluffy mass.. Season with salt and pepper to taste, cover with a clean tea towel and a lid and set to one side while you prepare the cheese sauce. Preheat oven to 400°F Melt the remaining 1/4 cup of butter in a saucepan over low heat. Whisk in the flour and let cook for a minute or two; remove from heat if mixture begins to colour. Add milk gradually, whisking in as you do so. Increase heat and cook until mixture comes to a gently boil and thickens. If too thick, add a little additional milk. Add all but 2 tablespoon of the cheese and stir in well to melt. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Lightly butter a shallow gratin dish. Spoon the potato mixture around the outside. Fill the centre with the quartered eggs. Cover all with the cheese sauce and use rest of the cheese for the top. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and heated through. 4 serving. Serve with a traditional farmhouse dry cider.

Land of Your Fathers

“The Land of Your Fathers ” is a brand new film of a journey around Wales accompanied by the haunting music of Ryland Teifi."Inspirational! The production is inspirational!" - Gareth Jenkins, Head Coach of the Welsh Rugby Team."I received the DVD in my box. Its great - had my fiancée (only 1 visit to Wales) crying through it ! and had me gulping a few times. Any plans on another one?", Peter Green,South Africa.The DVD is available in both PAL and NTSC formats.Please click on the link below: http://www.hendyproductions.co.uk/

Oddi wrth/from Welsh League of Arizona: http://www.welshleagueofarizona.org

Rename the Prince William cup to Ray Gravell

There is an online petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/cambriaraygravell/index.html
calling on the WRU to rename the Prince William cup after the late great Ray Gravell.
Ray visited us here in Brussels a few years ago when making a TV programme about Welsh people living abroad. I feel very glad that I was privileged enough to have met him on that occasion. He was a very special man and I am still deeply saddened at his death. I believe that it is entirely appropriate that he should be commemorated in this way and have no hesitation in signing the petition. I hope that everybody else will too and that the WRU will be persuaded to do the right thing for once.


Comisiynydd yr UE ar ymweliad â Chymru

Gwelodd Vladimir Spidla, Comisiynydd Cyflogaeth, Materion Cymdeithasol a Chyfle Cyfartal yr UE a chyn Brif Weinidog y Weriniaeth Tsiec, brosiectau a ariennir drwy Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop (ESF) cyn cwrdd â'r Prif Weinidog Rhodri Morgan yn y Senedd. "Rwyf wrth fy modd bod y ddwy raglen Cronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop yng Nghymru ar gyfer y saith mlynedd nesaf wedi cael eu mabwysiadu. Nawr, gallu Cymru fwrw ymlaen â'r gwaith o ddewis ac ariannu prosiectau a fydd o fudd i bobl ac economi Cymru," meddai'r Comisiynydd Spidla.

Mae ymweliad Mr Spidla yn dilyn y cyhoeddiad bod Cymru yn arwain y ffordd yn Ewrop fel un o'r rhanbarthau cyntaf lle mae ei holl raglenni Cronfeydd Strwythurol wedi cael eu cymeradwyo ar gyfer y cyfnod 2007-2013. Mae hyn yn golygu y gall gwaith ddechrau i fuddsoddi ymhellach mewn swyddi a thwf. Disgwylir i'r rhaglenni Cydgyfeirio £1.4 biliwn ar gyfer Gorllewin Cymru a'r Cymoedd a'r rhaglenni Cystadleurwydd a Chyflogaeth Rhanbarthol ar gyfer Dwyrain Cymru lywio cyfanswm o £3 biliwn o fuddsoddiad yn y rhanbarth. Bydd y cronfeydd yn cael eu defnyddio i fynd i'r afael â diweithdra a rhoi hwb i dwf economaidd cynaliadwy.

Bu'r Comisiynydd ar ymweliad â Genesis Cymru, Radio Cardiff, Yn Awyddus i Weithio a Chynllun Prentisiaeth Fodern yn GE AES Caerffili. Cyfarfu â rhai o'r unigolion sydd wedi gwella'u bywydau drwy gynlluniau hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth. Mae Genesis Cymru eisoes wedi helpu 10,000 o bobl o bob cwr o Gymru i ddychwelyd i'r gwaith, tra bod y Cynllun Prentisiaeth Fodern wedi darparu hyfforddiant sgiliau allweddol i fwy na 51,000 o bobl yn yr ardaloedd Amcan 1 a 3. Hyd yn hyn, mae Yn Awyddus i Weithio wedi cysylltu â 6,000 o bobl ac wedi helpu 1,600 o bobl i gael gwaith. Agorodd y Prif Weinidog Radio Cardiff wythnos diwethaf, ac mae gorsaf gymunedol pobl ddu a lleiafrifoedd ethnig gyntaf y ddinas yn rhoi llwyfan ar gyfer hyfforddiant yn y diwydiannu creadigol.