The Welsh Assembly Government in association with its partner organisations invite you to the Belgian première of a John Maybury film "The Edge of Love" on 25 November 2008 at 19.30 at the UCG de Brouckère, Place de Brouckère 38, 1000 Brussels. Please RSVP by 15 November to:
Edge of Love
Angerdd a phathos y bardd bydenwog o Gymru, Dylan Thomas, drwy hanes bywydau dwy ferch anghyffredin. Mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, ar y cyd â’i sefydliadau partner, yn eich gwahoddi dangosiad cyntaf yng
Ngwlad Belg o’r ffilm gan John Maybury: "The Edge of Love". 25 Tachwedd 2008 19.30. Yn sinema’r UCG de Brouckère, Plas de Brouckère 38, 1000 Brwsel. Ateber erbyn 15 Tachwedd i:
The Welsh Assembly Government in association with its partner organisations invite you to the Belgian première of a John Maybury film "The Edge of Love" on 25 November 2008 at 19.30 at the UCG de Brouckère, Place de Brouckère 38, 1000 Brussels. Please RSVP by 15 November to:
The Welsh Assembly Government in association with its partner organisations invite you to the Belgian première of a John Maybury film "The Edge of Love" on 25 November 2008 at 19.30 at the UCG de Brouckère, Place de Brouckère 38, 1000 Brussels. Please RSVP by 15 November to:
Bangor choir visits Brussels - Saturday - 13 September 2008
Saturday, 13 September 2008. 7.30 PM
Brel Theatre, 19 Leuvensesteenweg, 3080 Tervuren
Tickets: 02/766.04.30. €10 adults, €5 students/seniors.
The City of Bangor Male Voice Choir was founded in January 1988 by James Griffiths (then Assistant Organist of Bangor Cathedral), who has conducted it ever since. This year the Choir celebrates its twentieth anniversary, hence this visit to Belgium as part of the celebrations. Apart from singing in churches and chapels in North Wales, the Choir have travelled abroad a number of times. They have visited the United States, Canada, Austria, Germany, Malta and Cyprus, and have represented Wales at the annual Celtic Festival in Lorient, Brittany. They have taken part in the “thousand voices” concerts held at London’s Royal Albert Hall, and intend to take part in the next concert there in April 2009. Their successful CD has recently been reissued and met with further acclaim.
James Griffiths was Assistant Organist of Bangor Cathedral for 43 years (1964-2007). As a music examiner for Trinity Guildhall, London, he has travelled all over the world, especially in Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Last year, for example, he was examining for six weeks in Malaysia and several weeks in Singapore. He is an Honorary Member of Trinity College of Music, London, and holds Fellowship and Licentiateship Diplomas of the London College of Music as an organ and piano performer.
The accompanist on this occasion is Gwilym Lewis, the deputy conductor, who comes from Holyhead. He holds B.Mus and M.Mus degrees from Cardiff University and diplomas from the Royal Academy and the Royal College of Music. His versatile musical career has included work as teacher, pianist, conductor, accompanist and arranger. He has published many arrangements for male voice choirs, some especially for the Bangor Choir and for the Holyhead Male Voice Choir which he also conducts.
The mezzosoprano soloist, Eleri Owen, has won competitions at the National Eisteddfod on seven occasions. The National Eisteddfod is an annual event at which the best talents in Welsh music and Welsh literature come to the fore in a week of competitions. Eleri comes from the village of Llangernyw in Gwynedd. She performs regularly throughout Wales and has recently released her first CD.
Brel Theatre, 19 Leuvensesteenweg, 3080 Tervuren
Tickets: 02/766.04.30. €10 adults, €5 students/seniors.
The City of Bangor Male Voice Choir was founded in January 1988 by James Griffiths (then Assistant Organist of Bangor Cathedral), who has conducted it ever since. This year the Choir celebrates its twentieth anniversary, hence this visit to Belgium as part of the celebrations. Apart from singing in churches and chapels in North Wales, the Choir have travelled abroad a number of times. They have visited the United States, Canada, Austria, Germany, Malta and Cyprus, and have represented Wales at the annual Celtic Festival in Lorient, Brittany. They have taken part in the “thousand voices” concerts held at London’s Royal Albert Hall, and intend to take part in the next concert there in April 2009. Their successful CD has recently been reissued and met with further acclaim.

The accompanist on this occasion is Gwilym Lewis, the deputy conductor, who comes from Holyhead. He holds B.Mus and M.Mus degrees from Cardiff University and diplomas from the Royal Academy and the Royal College of Music. His versatile musical career has included work as teacher, pianist, conductor, accompanist and arranger. He has published many arrangements for male voice choirs, some especially for the Bangor Choir and for the Holyhead Male Voice Choir which he also conducts.
The mezzosoprano soloist, Eleri Owen, has won competitions at the National Eisteddfod on seven occasions. The National Eisteddfod is an annual event at which the best talents in Welsh music and Welsh literature come to the fore in a week of competitions. Eleri comes from the village of Llangernyw in Gwynedd. She performs regularly throughout Wales and has recently released her first CD.
Welsh gains new status in EU
The use of Welsh on the international stage takes a major step forward today [15 July] following a decision by the European Union Council of Ministers. They have decided that in future, Ministers will be able to speak in Welsh when representing the UK at the Council of Ministers and have their words translated simultaneously. Citizens will also be able to write in Welsh to office holders at the Council.
The decision of the Council is based on three way co-operation with the Council, the UK Government and the Welsh Assembly Government. The arrangement will become operative after a panel of Welsh interpreters have been assessed as meeting the international proficiency level demanded by the EU institutions. The decision will open the way for negotiations with other EU institutions to allow for a use of Welsh. The commitment to make an official application to the Council of Ministers for the Welsh language to receive official EU language and working language status was included in the One Wales agreement, which celebrates its first anniversary today.
Speaking after today’s Council decision, the First Minister Rhodri Morgan said: "This is an historic development for the Welsh language and shows recognition in the European Union for cultural and linguistic diversity. It illustrates how strong co-operation between the Welsh Assembly Government and the UK government can bring about practical outcomes for Wales in Europe."
The decision of the Council is based on three way co-operation with the Council, the UK Government and the Welsh Assembly Government. The arrangement will become operative after a panel of Welsh interpreters have been assessed as meeting the international proficiency level demanded by the EU institutions. The decision will open the way for negotiations with other EU institutions to allow for a use of Welsh. The commitment to make an official application to the Council of Ministers for the Welsh language to receive official EU language and working language status was included in the One Wales agreement, which celebrates its first anniversary today.
Speaking after today’s Council decision, the First Minister Rhodri Morgan said: "This is an historic development for the Welsh language and shows recognition in the European Union for cultural and linguistic diversity. It illustrates how strong co-operation between the Welsh Assembly Government and the UK government can bring about practical outcomes for Wales in Europe."
Y Gymraeg yn Ennill statws newydd yn yr UE
Mae’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol yn cymryd cam mawr ymlaen heddiw [15 Gorffennaf] yn sgil penderfyniad gan Gyngor Gweinidogion yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Maen nhw wedi penderfynu y bydd Gweinidogion yn cael siarad yn Gymraeg pan fyddan nhw’n cynrychioli’r DU yng Nghyngor y Gweinidogion a bydd cyfieithu ar y pryd ar gael i gyfieithu’r hyn maen nhw’n ei ddweud. Hefyd caiff dinasyddion ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg at swyddogion y Cyngor.
Mae penderfyniad y Cyngor wedi’i wneud yn sgil trafod rhwng y Cyngor, Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru. Bydd y trefniadau yn cael eu rhoi ar waith ar ôl i banel o gyfieithwyr Cymraeg gael eu hasesu i sicrhau eu bod â’r medrusrwydd y mae sefydliadau’r UE yn gofyn amdano.
Bydd y penderfyniad yn agor y ffordd i drafodaethau ar ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg â sefydliadau eraill yr UE. Cafodd yr ymrwymiad i wneud cais swyddogol i Gyngor y Gweinidogion, fel bod y Gymraeg yn cael statws swyddogol ar gyfer ei defnyddio yng ngwaith yr UE, ei wneud yng nghytundeb Cymru’n Un, sydd yn dathlu ei ben-blwydd cyntaf heddiw.
Wrth siarad ar ôl penderfyniad y Cyngor heddiw, meddai Prif Weinidog Cymru Rhodri Morgan: "Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad hanesyddol i’r Gymraeg ac mae’n dangos bod yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn cydnabod amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol ac ieithyddol. Mae’n dangos sut y gall cydweithrediad cryf rhwng Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU arwain at ganlyniadau ymarferol i Gymru yn Ewrop."
Mae penderfyniad y Cyngor wedi’i wneud yn sgil trafod rhwng y Cyngor, Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru. Bydd y trefniadau yn cael eu rhoi ar waith ar ôl i banel o gyfieithwyr Cymraeg gael eu hasesu i sicrhau eu bod â’r medrusrwydd y mae sefydliadau’r UE yn gofyn amdano.
Bydd y penderfyniad yn agor y ffordd i drafodaethau ar ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg â sefydliadau eraill yr UE. Cafodd yr ymrwymiad i wneud cais swyddogol i Gyngor y Gweinidogion, fel bod y Gymraeg yn cael statws swyddogol ar gyfer ei defnyddio yng ngwaith yr UE, ei wneud yng nghytundeb Cymru’n Un, sydd yn dathlu ei ben-blwydd cyntaf heddiw.
Wrth siarad ar ôl penderfyniad y Cyngor heddiw, meddai Prif Weinidog Cymru Rhodri Morgan: "Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad hanesyddol i’r Gymraeg ac mae’n dangos bod yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn cydnabod amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol ac ieithyddol. Mae’n dangos sut y gall cydweithrediad cryf rhwng Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU arwain at ganlyniadau ymarferol i Gymru yn Ewrop."
S4C yn ffilmio ym Mrwsel/ S4C filming in Brussels
Bore da o Gymru braf heddiw! Rwyf wrthi yn paratoi cyfnod ffilmio rhalgen arbennig o '04Wal' ar gyfer y nawfed cyfres. 'Rydym yn gobeithio ffilmio rhaglen arbennig yn Ewrop mis Mehefin eleni i ffilmio eitemau mewn apartments neu tai Cymry sydd bellach yn byw yno llawn amser, neu sydd hefo apartment neu ty unrhywle yn Ewrop ac yn gwario eu gwyliau yno. A fyddech gennych chi ddiddordeb cymeryd rhan? A hefyd, ydach chi'n adnabod rhywun arall a fydde diddordeb cymeryd rhan.
Meinir Mai Richards, Cynhyrchydd|Producer, Fflic,, Ffon/Phone:+44 (0) 29 2040 9000
Meinir Mai Richards, Cynhyrchydd|Producer, Fflic,, Ffon/Phone:+44 (0) 29 2040 9000
Hedfan yn ol i Gymru yn rhad ac am ddim!
E-bost: Y’ch chi’n berson cwis? Oes gennych awydd teithio? Hoffech chi drip tramor lle profwch wyliau bythgofiadwy? Os felly, mae cwis teithio newydd S4C yn berffaith ar eich cyfer. Am gyfle i gystadlu am wobrau ariannol a'r posibilrwydd o wyliau arbennig tramor cysylltwch a…
Neges i Gymry oddi cartre’: Gwlad y gan a bellach gwlad y cwis… Bydd cyfres newydd S4C yn rhoi cyfle i chi’r Cymry tramor gystadlu am wobrau ariannol a’r posibilrwydd o gael eich hedfan yn ol i Gymru am wyliau arbennig. Rhaid bod dros 18oed. Am fanylion pellach gyrrwch ebost neu ffoniwch unrhyw adeg. 029 20 550 550 / 07816 786710
Neges i Gymry oddi cartre’: Gwlad y gan a bellach gwlad y cwis… Bydd cyfres newydd S4C yn rhoi cyfle i chi’r Cymry tramor gystadlu am wobrau ariannol a’r posibilrwydd o gael eich hedfan yn ol i Gymru am wyliau arbennig. Rhaid bod dros 18oed. Am fanylion pellach gyrrwch ebost neu ffoniwch unrhyw adeg. 029 20 550 550 / 07816 786710
St.David's Day Dinner
The Brussels Welsh Society's annual St David's Day dinner will this year be held on Saturday March 1st, at Le Syrtaki Greek restaurant at Rue St Boniface, 22, Ixelles - in the shadow of St Boniface church in the Matonge area. The restaurant has a second entrance on the adjacent Rue Ernest Solvay, and (paid) parking is available on Rue St Boniface, opposite the bar l'Ultime Atom.
Metro Porte de Namur.
Manolis and family are offering a fixed price menu for €35 which includes: aperitif - meze - gigot d'agneau - dessert - coffee - wine. The gigot is the house lamb speciality but there are other choices available (steak, fish, vegetarian, other traditional Greek dishes etc) - please contact Gareth ( for further details if interested. Desserts will be chosen on the night, and a 1/4l carafe of house wine (red, white, rose, retsina) included. Wine can be ordered a la carte if you prefer, maybe at a discounted rate (tbc).
We will have a guest speaker for the evening, Dr Seán O Riain an Irish diplomat who has worked in six different countries and who speaks eight languages including Welsh. At present working on secondment as an Irish translator at the European Commission he is a passionate advocate of multilingualism, the survival of Irish and is an Esperanto enthusiast - he sees Esperanto helping language learning in general. See his website Seán is also a champion toastmaster.
The restaurant is well-established - over 35 years - and lively at weekends so we can look forward to a fusion of traditional Welsh and Greek music and entertainment during the evening. Don't miss this one! Please confirm your attendance and number of guests to both Rhodri and Gareth as soon as possible and in any case by Friday 23rd Feb at the latest.
Metro Porte de Namur.
Manolis and family are offering a fixed price menu for €35 which includes: aperitif - meze - gigot d'agneau - dessert - coffee - wine. The gigot is the house lamb speciality but there are other choices available (steak, fish, vegetarian, other traditional Greek dishes etc) - please contact Gareth ( for further details if interested. Desserts will be chosen on the night, and a 1/4l carafe of house wine (red, white, rose, retsina) included. Wine can be ordered a la carte if you prefer, maybe at a discounted rate (tbc).
We will have a guest speaker for the evening, Dr Seán O Riain an Irish diplomat who has worked in six different countries and who speaks eight languages including Welsh. At present working on secondment as an Irish translator at the European Commission he is a passionate advocate of multilingualism, the survival of Irish and is an Esperanto enthusiast - he sees Esperanto helping language learning in general. See his website Seán is also a champion toastmaster.
The restaurant is well-established - over 35 years - and lively at weekends so we can look forward to a fusion of traditional Welsh and Greek music and entertainment during the evening. Don't miss this one! Please confirm your attendance and number of guests to both Rhodri and Gareth as soon as possible and in any case by Friday 23rd Feb at the latest.
Cinio Dewi Sant
Cynhelir cinio blynyddol Dewi Sant y Gymdeithas eleni ar nos Sadwrn, Mawrth 1af, ym mwyty Groegaidd Le Syrtaki, Rue St Boniface, 22, Ixelles - o flaen eglwys St Boniface yn yr ardal Matonge. Mae yna ail mynediad ar Rue Ernest Solvay, a parcio (i'w dalu) gyferbyn a bar l'Ultime Atom ar Rue St Boniface.
Metro Porte de Namur.
Mae Manolis a'i deulu yn cynnig pryd o: aperitif - meze - gigot d'agneau - pwdin - coffi - gwin, am €35. Y gigot yw arbennigiaeth cig oen y ty, ond mae dewisiadau erail (stec, pysgod, llyseuol, traddodidol Groeg ayyb) i'w gael - cysylltwch a Gareth ( am rhagor o fanylion. Dewisir y pwdin ar y noson, ac mi fydd 1/4l o win i bawb (coch, gwyn, rose neu retsina). Gellir archebu gwin o'r rhestr, ac o bosib efo disgownt (i'w gadarnhau).
Fe fydd siaradwr gwadd gyda ni am y noson, Dr.Seán O Riain, diplomydd o Iwerddon sy wedi gweithio mewn chwech gwlad gwahanol ac sy'n siarad wyth iaith yn cynnwys y Gymraeg. Ar hyn o bryd mae e'n gweithio dros dro fel cyfieithydd Gwyddeleg yn y Comisiwn Ewropeiaidd. Cefnogwr cadarn amlieithrwydd, goroesiad yr iaith Wyddeleg ac yn frwdfrydig dros Esperanto, mae e'n credu bod Esperanto yn gallu helpu dysgu ieithoedd yn gyffredinol. Gweler ei wefan Mae Seán hefyd yn "toastmaster" buddugol.
Mae'r bwyty wedi'i sefydlu ers 35 mlynedd a mwy, ac yn boblogaidd a bywiog ar y penwythnos felly gewn ni edrych ymlaen at gymysgiad o gerddoriaeth ac adloniant Cymreig a Groegaidd. Peidiwch a cholli allan! Atebwch i Rhodri a Gareth i gadarnhau'ch bod yn dod, a'r nifer o westai, cyn gynted a phosib ac yn sicr cyn nos Wener Chwefror 23ain ar y man pellaf.
Metro Porte de Namur.
Mae Manolis a'i deulu yn cynnig pryd o: aperitif - meze - gigot d'agneau - pwdin - coffi - gwin, am €35. Y gigot yw arbennigiaeth cig oen y ty, ond mae dewisiadau erail (stec, pysgod, llyseuol, traddodidol Groeg ayyb) i'w gael - cysylltwch a Gareth ( am rhagor o fanylion. Dewisir y pwdin ar y noson, ac mi fydd 1/4l o win i bawb (coch, gwyn, rose neu retsina). Gellir archebu gwin o'r rhestr, ac o bosib efo disgownt (i'w gadarnhau).
Fe fydd siaradwr gwadd gyda ni am y noson, Dr.Seán O Riain, diplomydd o Iwerddon sy wedi gweithio mewn chwech gwlad gwahanol ac sy'n siarad wyth iaith yn cynnwys y Gymraeg. Ar hyn o bryd mae e'n gweithio dros dro fel cyfieithydd Gwyddeleg yn y Comisiwn Ewropeiaidd. Cefnogwr cadarn amlieithrwydd, goroesiad yr iaith Wyddeleg ac yn frwdfrydig dros Esperanto, mae e'n credu bod Esperanto yn gallu helpu dysgu ieithoedd yn gyffredinol. Gweler ei wefan Mae Seán hefyd yn "toastmaster" buddugol.
Mae'r bwyty wedi'i sefydlu ers 35 mlynedd a mwy, ac yn boblogaidd a bywiog ar y penwythnos felly gewn ni edrych ymlaen at gymysgiad o gerddoriaeth ac adloniant Cymreig a Groegaidd. Peidiwch a cholli allan! Atebwch i Rhodri a Gareth i gadarnhau'ch bod yn dod, a'r nifer o westai, cyn gynted a phosib ac yn sicr cyn nos Wener Chwefror 23ain ar y man pellaf.
Cymru vs Yr Alban / Wales vs Scotland
Diolch i Peredur, thanks to Peredur for this.
Wales v Scotland
Time: 15h00 (Bxl time)
Date: 9 February
Venue: Irish Pub De Valera's (17 Place Flagey) - sorry but thought best to stick with De Vals for the time being
Hope to see you there, and wear something red!
Wales v Scotland
Time: 15h00 (Bxl time)
Date: 9 February
Venue: Irish Pub De Valera's (17 Place Flagey) - sorry but thought best to stick with De Vals for the time being
Hope to see you there, and wear something red!
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