
MEP Morgan on sex offenders

Ysgrifennwyd gan/Written by Dafydd ab Iago

Back in February 2006, Morgan asked the Council, which represents EU Member States in Brussels, to outline what steps are being taken to ensure that the EU worker registration scheme is coordinated with police to ensure that convicted offenders can be identified wherever they reside and work in Europe.

"Can the Council confirm that it would support the creation of an EU-wide register of sexual offenders?" asked Morgan.

"Although a specific EU-wide register for sex offenders is not envisaged, measures proposed would increase the possibility of drawing consequences in one Member State of convictions and disqualifications regarding offences, including sex offences, pronounced in other Member States," replied the Council.

The EU Council is currently examining a proposal made by Belgium for a Framework Decision on the recognition and enforcement in the European Union of prohibitions arising from convictions for sexual offences committed against children. The intention with this proposal is to ensure as far as possible that prohibitions pronounced in one Member State against child sex offenders have an effect also in other Member States.

Reply to written question E-0451/06 (1 June 2006).

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